Choose Purpose over Popular

In life eventually every person has his or her purpose for existing, we all know what our hearts desires, our passion, gifts and talents from God and those are the things that determine our purpose, they say there are two great days in a persons life

1. The day we are born 2. The day we find out why??

Most of us are born and very few of us really know why, so we go for the things that will give us fame and become popular in a short time which may not even be our purpose on earth or even Gods plan for you and your life, They say direction is better than speed, ,when you have a direction of where you are going it means you aleady know your purpose and are pursuing it knowing it will lead you in the right way to your destiny, in todays life alot of people dont choose purpose over being popular so they get distorted on they way, they dont reach their destiny and blame God saying that he did not favour them, its time we get to know our purpose first why were we born and put to earth at first, search the inner you, explore what is missing or what is there that you are taking it forgranted, our hearts tell us to do things and we ignore them most of the times and listen to our brains without knowing that as soon as we were born our hearts started beating and feeling things before even our brains starte dfuntioning. . so why should you listen to your brain more than your heart? why should you criticise yourself? why dont we follow our intuitions? i know it may not seem right at the moment, you may feeel like you are going crazy everytym you want to follow your heart like what will my familly think of me? how about my friends and loved ones? so you remain in your comfortzones staying unhappy, you have to know this is your life to live and you will live it only ones,so you might as well fill it with Happiness and greatness or Die together with your dreams and heart desires. .the choice is yours, ask yourself today if you were in your death bed now, you are told you will be dead in two months wht will you do to change the situation you have now? How would you like to leave this world? Are you feeling defeated in your current life? thats how you want to leave or you want to leave as a winner? Die while smilling you lived your life. . The choice is yours now my dears, i believe God will give you the courage to pursue your purpose in life if you let him and you will do it.

Author: Lifestyle Idealist & Inspirational Speaker

Let there be peace in the world & Let it start with me

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